BLOG 8: My personal opinions about some topics
Today I'm going to answer four questions related with recycling, abortion, tatoos and violence on television.
About recyling, I think that is a insufficient measure but that even being so, it is the least we can do. Following the three R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in order, is possible see that recyling is in last place, because the waste itself is already present in the environment, even though that can be avoided. For that reason, I think that we need that the industries change the way of selling their products, and in my perspective there are two options to push that idea. First, start to buy only in bulk, prefer second-hand clothes and reduce the single-use plastics, thus the offer of big companies could being to decrease forcing them to change their ways of selling products. The second option has relation with the preassure that the State has to comply the treaty of Paris 2015 which is related to the decrease CO2 emissions. When our State remembers that, they will have to intervene in the forms of production.
About abortion, I think that all the countries -I am going to be radical in this topic- and cultures have to undersand that the abortion is a reproductive right. We, the women (and trans male), need the control of our bodies, we need to have the decision to be or not mothers. Today is present the thought about that "if abortion is legally in all the circumstances, the women would do it all the time", ignoring the traumatic nature of this event. Added to this, our societies are still guided by what religion says, even in some cases by science, when this theme is above all social. This situation can't still happening, we need the abortion to be a right and we need future children to be desired.
The tatoos theme, like the abortion, falls on the topic about the control of our bodies. I think that the tatoos are beautiful and just an art expression, everybody have the right to use it. I know that the times are changing, and I hope that someday just stop being taboo because There is really no solid argument from which this situation of rejection of tattoos could continue to be maintained.
Finally, I'm going to talk about the violence on television. I propose two ways for understand this topic: cultural violence and the fear as social control mechanism. I mencionted the cultural violence because I think that the television is another expression or reflection of our society. If the tv shows violence, is because the violence sorround us. When we see people as Martin Pradenas doing a video saying that he is innocent, that is violence. When we see institutions like SENAME and it's directors as Evelyn Oñate, that is violence. Our societies are violent, for that reason is hard that the t.v don't be a violent media.
On the other hand, when television constantly shows violence is almost impossible not think about the fear as social control mechanism. Living thinking about the bad things that could happen to you is not living. Fear produces insecurities, the need for control, for repression. Something that the governments need to keep chaos away.
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