Blog 1: I have to meet Spain

Hello to everyone! Today i'am gonna talk about which country i would like to go. Maybe you already know which it's, my tittle had a little spoiler: Spain. I've always had a lot of feelings and thoughts about that country, in part because i am gamer and for that reason, i watched gameplays about my favorite videogames while i grew up, mostly videos from spanish youtubers. That caused me some interest for the people from there. However that is not the principal reason, my interest is actually based on their beautiful architecture and the convenience of sharing the same lenguage, thinking that someday i will go.

A picture of La Sagrada Familia:
About my knowledge of Spain, maybe i could tell to you a little about Francisco Franco. He was a military and dictator since 1938 until 1973, while he was in the power one on the most important acts happen: the Spanish Civil War. His figure usally don't causes exactly happiness in the spanish people...

If i would like to live there? Of curse, but not in a permanet way because i want to makes Chile a better place and if i want to do that i have to live here. Nonetheless, yes, i would live in Spain, hopefully with my boyfriend (let me dream haha), just to live the experience of be in another country, meet, learn -maybe even of Social Work- and enjoy. But if that doesn't happen and i just have the posibility to go there, i would like to meet the architecture, eat very much and, obviously, use the train for meet more countries of Europe.


  1. I think Spain is a really nice country! I´ve always wanted to go there, specifically I would visit the "City of Arts and Science" in Valencia. Good choice and I hope that one day you get to go there :)


  2. Spain is beautiful! very cute and always so elegant!

  3. I agree with you, the architecture of Spain is very beautiful.

  4. Spain is a very beautiful place, what I like most are its architectures

  5. I loved your post!!!!! I'm a fan of Spanish infrastructure and, like you, I'd love to meet and tour Europe by train

  6. spain would be a great country to visit, it has many beautiful places


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