Hello to everyone, today I'm going to talk about how I want my future job to be. This topic made me feel a lot sensations, between them uncertainty and nerves (the good ones). Perhaps thinking about the future usually provokes that kind of feelings, I don't know.
Before I start with some characteristics of my ideal job, it's important to explain in which area I want to work. If you don't know, i'm student of Social Work and, i have to say that i'm very happy with my decision of chosen this career. So much that the other day I reflected about my university's subject, trying to understand why the university teaches some themes and perspectives that can be so powerful if them are used and thinked correctly in the society. That inspired me so much.
How i mencionated in the begining of this blog, there's are some things that i don't know with certainty, like if i want a job outdoors or not. But, there something that i actually know, i want a job related with children, especially, the SENAME. I think that it's there where we should start if we want to fix and heal this country.
However, i think that SENAME is one of multiple themes that i want to work, so, the idea of travel is not impossible, but this doesn't mean that i wish to travel "a lot", just for a time.
About the salary, i just want to have the necessary money to help my mom and at the same time, have money for my economic stability. I hope to make it.
Finally, I want to say that sometimes I dream about doing big stuff, big changes. I know that it can be very difficult to achieve it, but i will try.


  1. How nice, it would be better to destroy the SENAME institution and create another type of childcare that considers them and gives them a lot of love.


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